It’s all about performance! At CNC Industries we take pride in our productivity and efficiency in all operations. We purchase brand-new equipment from the best manufacturers in the business so that we always have the latest and most cost efficient technology available.
Each job that we process begins with a “pre-flight” meeting to determine the best and lowest cost method of producing that particular part or assembly. An important factor in those meetings is matching the job to the machines. Of special note is that all of our CNC Machining Centers include custom designed, zero-point quick-change fixtures.. The zero-point fixtures significantly reduce change-over time as well as increase batch to batch consistency.
We also pre-set all of our tools off-line on a high-accuracy pre-setter. Pre-setting tools significantly increases our machine up-time. Additionally all CNC programs are transferred into the machines from the machinist’s workstation which is located right next to the machine. All of these things add up to processing your parts with the highest level of quality at the lowest possible cost! Following is a brief overview of our capabilities.